Tournée du Chat Noir

Théophile Steinlen

 What do you think of this poster? What is it advertising?

Sometimes, you need to do some background research to understand how an artwork came to be. Sometimes, there's a lot more to it than meets the eye. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but there's often a thousand more to be told that you can only discover once you know the context behind a work.

  • Look carefully at this poster, then read the short description of Steinlen's life by clicking on his name just above the date on this post. 
  • Does the poster's meaning change? 
  • Is the poster's subject more obvious now that you've read more about it?
  • If I told you that Steinlen was obsessed with cats, does it also change the meaning of Le Chat Noir? If you're interested, you can Google Image "Steinlen" to see his cat paintings.
  • Knowing what you now know, do you like this poster more, or less? Why?