Hi Everybody!

This artist's database should be your best buddy for art class during the semester.

To get started, click on one of the TABS above to get all the info you need for your next project.
  • Here, you'll be able to keep tabs on DUE DATES.
  • Just look at the different STEPS to do in each project so you know what's going on in class if you ever happen to miss it.
  • This is also where you'll be able to find a RUBRIC explaining exactly what you need to do to get an awesome grade in each of your projects. 
  • Also, you'll be asked to look at some ARTISTS' WORKS to help better understand the projects. You're welcome to look through any of them to help give you ideas.

You can also search by artist in the list on the right, or use the SEARCH tab to find information.

If you can't find what you want, you can check out another website in the LINKS section on the left,
 and if you have:
  • any problems or questions, 
  • or if you'd like to add artists or ideas to this database, 
  • or if you need to hand in your justification online
 email me at lignedaction@gmail.com

have fun!